Space Trash Men
Project Development Gallery
Film Premise - In the future where humanity has to send its rubbish into space. The story follows two characters that are confined to a small living quarter of a giant space ship that transports trash into space. The story is about the relationship between the two men and how they deal with the loneliness of space.

We designed the set to be disassembled so we had freedom to film from where ever the director pleased

This was the beginnings of planning how the interior of the space ship would be lived in

Project Introduction
This project involved creating the art department for a short film that will be made in collaboration with a group of film students in Wellington, NZ. We began with extensive research and planning to successfully produce the main components necessary for the film. These main components were the set, the miniature and the props and costumes for actors to interact with on film.
The art department was created through the efforts of a group project. My amazing teammates were,
Jack Taylor
Ben de la Roche
Research and Ideation
We spent large amounts of time and energy on researching how the set would have to function for filming. As well as the functional aspects, the set also had to look striking on camera as 90% of the film took place in the living quarters of the ship.
Video shows quick mock up using tables and chairs to make sure the dimensions of set are correct

This was the master plan of the living space of the spaceship

We used CAD to develop the aesthetic and also as a plan for construction

This detailed CAD model helped us greatly in the construction of the miniature

This was the master plan of the living space of the spaceship
Once the functional elements of the designs were refined it was time to develop the aesthetic. The set, props and miniature all had to have a cohesive aesthetic. These elements all had to be striking and vibrant on screen; as this is the primary function of the art department in any film project.
Space Trash Men
Project Management and Construction
The set and miniature were complex projects to construct. We constructed the set and miniature to the best quality we could, given our restricted budget and limited time. The construction process is illustrated below:

We used CAD so we knew exactly how much material we needed and where it needed to go

This shows the set becoming an enclosed space, all the structural elements are coming together

Rob who dressed the set to give it the necessary "personality" for the film

We used CAD so we knew exactly how much material we needed and where it needed to go
There were five main stages to the construction of the set:
1. Planning: Ensure it was completed on schedule and to budget
2. The Frame: Structural parts were constructed from housing timber
3. Seal: Walls were made from MDF and plywood
4. Fit Out: Made space look like interior of spaceship
5. Set Dress: Decorated set to look inhabited and used

Miniature ready for filming

Like for the set, we modelled the miniature digitally then we could get all the vector work from the model for both CNC and laser cutting

Final adjustments on filming day

Miniature ready for filming
This was a complex, miniature spanning over 4 meters. As well as the miniature looking good it also had to stay straight and in one piece to appear convincing on camera. The whole miniature was constructed around a 5m steel pipe, with over 10,000 individual parts in the total construction.
Space Trash Men
We filmed the short over a period of 6 days. The short was directed by Ben Childs and the project was managed by Kayleighsha Wharton. They organized all the cast, crew and the creation of the film. This video shows the behind the scenes in the making of the film.
The film is still in the postproduction stage and should be completed soon. If you want to see more behind the scenes footage, visit “Space Trash Men” Facebook page.
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